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Computation Server (CS)

There are two Computation Servers (CS) available for data analysis through remote access. One Windows operated CS (WCS) and the other one with Linux (LCS). In addition, you can mount your own storage media (hard drive, USB disk, etc) to link with a CS. This way all the calculations will be made by a remote server and you can continue your work by using your own laptop/desktop. Access to a CS can be requested by using the form below.

Please note that a Computation Server (CS) should only be used to store data temporarily while it is being processed. After completing the analysis all data should be moved to a more suitable location.

We do not have any back-ups for the CS, so lost data cannot be recovered!

Request access Computational Server

Request access Computational Server form

  • Your info
  • CS details
  • Summary & Confirmation

Admin: Please add additional remarks if needed.

Admin: Please add additional remarks if needed.

Reason request is rejected
What's your role at the UU?
only use official UU email addresses, i.e. e.xample@uu.nl or l.esson@students.uu.nl
only use official UU email addresses, i.e. e.xample@uu.nl

Unable to submit, please use an UU email address for your request
Connect to the Windows Computation Server (WCS) with Windows

  • Make sure you’re connected to the internet via an Ethernet cable in your office, or via VPN on WiFi
  • Type “Remote Desktop Connection” in the Search bar
  • Click on Remote Desktop Connection
  • Use the following address: wp0226.fss.uu.nl
  • Log in with your Solis-ID and credentials

  • How to mount external storage (i.e. O-drive, FSS storage) to the WCS?

  • At the Remote Desktop Connection prompt, click Show Options
  • Click on the Local Resources tab
  • Click on Local Devices and Resources and click More
  • Click on Drives and select your drives followed by OK
  • Log in with the corresponding credentials
Connect to the Windows Computation Server (WCS) with macOS

  • Make sure you’re connected to the internet via an Ethernet cable in your office, or via VPN on WiFi
  • Download and install the Microsoft Remote Desktop app
  • Start the Microsoft Remote Desktop app
  • Select Add desktop and type the following address: wp0226.fss.uu.nl
  • Select the wp0226.fss.uu.nl desktop (press continue if prompted)
  • Log in with your Solis-ID and credentials

  • How to mount external storage (i.e. O-drive, FSS storage) to the WCS?

  • At the Remote Desktop Connection window, Right click and select Edit
  • Click on the Folders tab
  • Tick Redirect folders
  • Add folders by using the + button followed by Save
  • Log in with the corresponding credentials
Connect to the LCS with Windows – Preparation

    Connect to the LCS with Windows – Generate SSH Keychain

  1. Open PuttyGen
  2. Modify “Number of bits in a generated key” from 2048 to 4096 and click Generate
  3. Move your mouse in the gray area of the window so it can generate a public key
  4. Copy the contents/text under “Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file”
  5. Copy & Paste the contents to the form on our website
  6. Click on “Save private key”
  7. At question: Are you sure you want to save this key without a passphrase to protect it, click “Yes”
  8. Save the file (filename doesn’t matter, i.e “key.ppk”)
  9. Close PuttyGen
  10. Await instructions by email from labs.fsw@uu.nl

    How to mount external storage (i.e. O-drive, FSS storage) to the LCS?

  1. Go to Places, Computer and click on Other Locations
  2. Go to Connect to Server
  3. Connect As: Registered User
  4. Username: Solis-ID@soliscom.uu.nl
  5. Domain: Soliscom
  6. Password: Your Solis-ID password
  7. Tick Remember forever
  8. Connect to Server: the location you want to mount, see Data Storage section for the right location
Connect to the LCS with macOS or Linux – Preparation

    Connect to the LCS with macOS or Linux – Generate SSH Keychain

  1. If you don’t have an SSH Keychain, open Terminal and type the following command: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
  2. At question: Enter file in which to save the key, press [ENTER]
  3. At question: Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase), press [ENTER] twice
  4. Go to the folder where the public key has been saved
  5. Open Finder
  6. Right click on Documents and click “Show in Enclosing Folder”
  7. Show hidden maps with the following shortcut: [Command] + [Shift] + [.]
  8. Go to the hidden folder ‘.ssh’
  9. Use our form to upload the file ‘id_rsa.pub’ so we can process your request
  10. Await instructions by email from labs.fsw@uu.nl

    How to mount external storage (i.e. O-drive, FSS storage) to the LCS?

  1. Go to Places, Computer and click on Other Locations
  2. Go to Connect to Server
  3. Connect As: Registered User
  4. Username: Solis-ID@soliscom.uu.nl
  5. Domain: Soliscom
  6. Password: Your Solis-ID password
  7. Tick Remember forever
  8. Connect to Server: the location you want to mount, see Data Storage section for the right location

More information

Please use our Tech Support Desk contact form.