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Research Software

We support several research software that can be used by FSS employees and students. Below you find a form to request research software. Students are also eligible to use SolisWorkspace for free in order to meet their software needs.

You will need a valid Solis-ID in order to request software.

Stimulus presentation : E-Prime, Inquisit, Presentation, OpenSesame and PsychoPy (Pavlovia).
Survey tools : Gorilla, Qualtrics, Pavlovia and LimeSurvey
Data processing tools : BrainVision Analyzer, Matlab*, R-Studio, Nvivo*, CMA, Noldus Facereader, and Amberscript
Statistical tools : SPSS*, JASP, Stata, Mplus, MLwiN and HLM
Miscellaneous : Microsoft Teams**, Microsoft Office**, Adobe Creative Suite*

* can be found in the Software Center with UU-issued devices
** pre-installed on most UU-issued devices

Students are offered a variety of free software packages such as SPSS, Matlab, Nvivo and Office through SolisWorkspace. Please check if your software is listed on SolisWorkspace.

Unfortunately, at the moment it is not possible to mount YoDa as a data storage platform if you open software from SolisWorkspace.

More information

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