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Sona Systems

For the advertisement of studies to potential participants, the faculty uses the Sona systems (Social and Behavioural Sciences research participation system). Studies advertised on this system can offer credits or ‘proefpersoonuren’ (Psychology students only) and/or financial compensation for participation. Setting up studies and accrediting credits requires researchers to have a researcher account on Sona systems. Below you will find additional information concerning how to use Sona systems. If you would like to request a researcher account please fill in the form below. Or go to our FAQ page if you need more information about using Sona.

If you’re a first year’s Bachelor Psychology student, please don’t make an account of your own. Sona accounts will be given to you and an email with login credentials will be sent to your UU email.

Request SONA

Request a SONA Research account form

  • Your info
  • Confirmation

Admin: Please add additional remarks if needed.


Admin: Please add additional remarks if needed.

Reason request is rejected
only use official UU email addresses, i.e. e.xample@uu.nl or l.esson@students.uu.nl
only use official UU email addresses, i.e. e.xample@uu.nl

Unable to submit, please use an UU email address for your request

To add a study, choose the Add New Study option from the top toolbar. You can pick one of four possible types of studies. Next, you have to specify whether participants receive credits or monetary compensation for their participation. If you wish to have participants participate for both credits and money, create a credit study and add separate mention of the available payment.

After you choose the study type, you will see a form asking for basic study information such as the name of the study and the credit/payment information. You can also share your study with additional researchers by adding them to the list of researchers. Studies have to be set to both approved (ethical approval) and active to be visible to participants. All basic study information can be edited at a later point in time.

To manage your Timeslots and sign-ups go to My studies, find the correct study and select ‘Timeslots’. This will bring you to an overview of all the Timeslots created for your study. Here you can add Timeslot by selecting ‘Add a time slot’ or ‘Add multiple Timeslots’. You can also edit existing Timeslots by locating them and selecting ‘modify’.

Selecting modify also allows you to manually sign-up participants for your study. This is necessary when participants sign-up outside of the Sona systems and want to receive credits for their participation. To complete a manual sign-up, find an open Timeslot and select modify. Scroll down the Timeslot information page to Manual Sign-Up, and add the participant using either their name or student ID. Following manual sign-up you will be able to grant your participants credits.

Students at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences can participate in exchange for credit. To Grant (or revoke) credits go to ‘My study’, locate your study and select ‘Timeslots’. Next find the correct Timeslot and select ‘modify’. Here you can find your participant and grant them credits by setting the sign-up to ‘participated’ and selecting the correct number of credits (pp-uur). Next, save your changes by selecting ‘Update Sign-ups’.

Moreover, it is also possible to set up credit granting integration with Qualtrics.

More information

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