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Recruiting Participants

There are multiple methods available for recruiting participants for your study. We can provide you with several options. Note that Utrecht University offers a specific page about participant recruitment, but it is available only in Dutch.

To advertise studies to potential participants, the faculty utilizes the SONA system, which is a research participation system for Social and Behavioral Sciences. Studies listed on this system may provide ‘proefpersoonuren’ (specifically for Psychology students) and/or financial compensation for participation.
Besides using the Sona system for advertising, researchers can also enhance the visibility of their study by posting flyers and posters. There are designated areas within the Langeveld Building where research posters are permitted to be displayed.

Upstairs at the reception desk
To display posters on the first floor, you must obtain approval from the security guard at the reception desk. Please consult the security guard for the necessary instructions.

Downstairs at the Tech Support Desk
To post flyers on the board next to the support desk, you must include an end date indicating when the poster should be taken down. Posters lacking an end date will be removed.

Prolific is an online recruiting service that gives access to a wide pool of UK/US participants, allowing you to select participants based on a wide range of criteria (age, gender, income, etc.). Prolific can easily be integrated with online Survey Tools such as Qualtrics and Gorilla.

More information
Information and request forms regarding reimbursement and advances for participant money can be found here. You can also e-mail fsw.fenc.kas@uu.nl with any questions/ for more information.

Please guide your participants to the waiting room (see picture) when you are inviting them to your research. You can also give directions to our labs by going to Route on our website.

Waiting Room

More information

Please use our Tech Support Desk contact form.